Glow Health & Vitality

Our Team

Hope, truth, trust, and leadership are all
fundamental principles that guide our mission to
make our world a healthier, happier, and more
sustainable place to live.

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Our Mission Statement

“Help make Calgary the healthiest community in Canada through education, inspiration, and support of a natural lifestyle.

We see a world that is changing faster and faster. Relationships are changing, families are breaking down, job length is shortening, debt is increasing and it all leads to more stress that is leading to lack of energy and poor health. The average person is having difficulty adapting to these changes in our emotional, physical, and chemical environments without devastating effects on their well being and enjoyment life’s experience.

We also see a world where people are very worried about getting sick and worn out. Most of us want to live long and live well.

The thought of being incapable of taking care of ourselves, being in pain, and not enjoying our life’s passions now or in our later years is frightening for many.

People are tired of being lied to and led down the wrong path when it comes to key aspects of their lives especially as it relates to their health.

At Glow our “soul” purpose is to be a place of inspiration, education, and support to help navigate the tumultuous waters of our times.  Hope, truth, trust, and leadership are all fundamental principles that guide our mission to make our world a healthier, happier, and more sustainable place to live.


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